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Author Archives: Sarah Johnson

12 tips for preventing sports injuries
20 Aug

12 tips for preventing sports injuries

We are all aware sports participation promotes physical and mental health, however it can also lead to many sport-related musculoskeletal injuries. These injuries can either creep up on us over time (chronic) or happen suddenly during sport (acute).

Whether you take part in sport for competition or fitness, you don’t want to be sidelined with an injury. Being suspect to an injury can prevent participation and activities of everyday living.

To keep injuries at bay, we have provided you with 12 tips for preventing sports injuries. 


1. Always make time for rest days 

While some may think, the more you train, the quicker you progress, this is a common misconception. Rest is an important component of proper training allowing time for tissues to repair. Overuse of muscles, tendons and ligaments creates constant state of inflammation in the body increasing the likelihood of injury. 


2. Strengthening exercises.  

Strength training promotes growth in muscles, tendons and ligaments – these soft tissues are commonly suspect to sports injuries. Strengthening relevant tissue surrounding the joint can improve performance and reduce any chance of injury. 


3. Always ensure correct form/technique is used

You should always be aware of posture and movement during sport and exercise. Improper form may cause you to target unintended muscle groups and can leave you further away from your fitness goal. 


4. Warm up 

Warm muscles are less susceptible to injury. Carrying out a light warm up prior to sport participation increases the blood flow and body temperature – overall reducing the risk. 


5. Cool down 

A cool down is just as important as a warm up, allowing heart rate and blood pressure to gradually return to that of pre-exercise. 


6. Make sure to use protective equipment 

Professional or amateur, protective equipment should be worn to prevent against impact, whether that may be a helmet to prevent concussion or shin pads to minimise rapid contact. 


7. Don’t play through the pain 

Pain indicates there isn’t something quite right, pay attention to the warning sides and seek advice from a healthcare professional. 


8. Stretch

Improving flexibility through stretching is an important factor to improving physical performance consequently reducing the risk of injury within sport. 


9. Nutrition

Eating a well-balanced diet should be first line of defence when it comes to preventing injury: Carbohydrates provide energy and replenish glycogen stores to keep you going, protein helps repair and promote growth to muscle tissue and not to forget the fat; which are essential in the inflammatory process. 


10. Hydration 

Staying hydrated throughout sport is important to ensure efficient circulation, keeping joints lubricated and regulating body temperature. Dehydration can hinder sports performance and increases the risk of sustaining an injury. 


11. Know your capability 

When you push yourself too hard during training or  train too many times without rest days, this can cause our bodies to become tired and weak, increasing the risk of injury.


12. Know the rules of the game

Knowing the rules of the game not only helps prevents injury against yourself but also against other players. 


So that’s our top 12 tips for preventing sports injuries. Want to know more then get in touch with one of our team.

How long does Physiotherapy take to work
14 Jul

How long does Physiotherapy take to work

The first question most people ask following an assessment of their injury is how long will it take to get back to normal: in other words, how long with physiotherapy take to work. 

The truth is that there is no single answer to this question since each person is different and there are several variables that influence the type and duration of treatment.

When you first see your Physiotherapist, you should be having a conversation about your goals, and what you would consider a successful round of treatment. Now, if your injury is not due to an accident or one off incident then it is potentially due to your biomechanics (how your body moves due to muscle and joints length, strength, and coordination). 

Your Physiotherapist should be able to describe to you three things: what tissue is giving you the pain; what mechanics got you into this situation; and what the two of you can do about it.  

Factors that affect treatment time length:

  • The part of the body affected
  • Individual’s healing rate
  • The extent of the injury
  • Compliance with physiotherapy and exercise program
  • Other current and past health conditions
  • Occupation/hobbies/activities

Don’t get discouraged if you aren’t seeing the results you want immediately. Physical therapy isn’t an overnight cure; it’s a process that involves a lot of hard work. 

So how long does Physiotherapy take to work? The answer is that the length of treatment is different for everyone, and it is nearly impossible to predict exactly how long it may take for an individual to make a full recovery.

In some cases a full recovery may not be possible. You may never reach the same level of ability that you had before the injury. But the goal of physical therapy is to help you achieve the maximum ability possible.

The longer someone waits before going to Physiotherapy, the longer the course of care may have to be due to worsening tissue health and worsening movement pattern.

Here at Total Restore Physiotherapy we look forward to helping you make faster progress toward your physical therapy goals.

Get in touch

If you are suffering from any pain or injuries and need advice/treatment or not sure how long Physiotherapy will take to work then give us a call on 0161 8333008 and make an appointment with one of our Physiotherapists. We are located in the city centre in the Royal Exchange Building just off St Ann’s Square.

How to improve your posture and rounded shoulders
02 Jul

How to improve your posture and rounded shoulders

In our latest blog we explain how to improve your posture and rounded shoulders, one of our most common patient complaints. 

The term rounded shoulders is used to describe a resting shoulder position that has moved forward from the body’s ideal alignment. In Rounded Shoulders, there is an imbalance of tension between the muscles that pull the shoulder blades forwards and the muscles that pull the shoulder blades backwards. It generally involves the scapula being in a position of Protraction:

  • Lateral glide
  • Anterior tilt
  • Internal rotation

The hunched postures you continually adopt throughout the day disrupts the normal balance of muscular activity in your shoulders.

Daily tasks that may contribute to rounded shoulders include:

  • using a smartphone or tablet
  • using a computer or laptop
  • sitting for long periods
  • driving a vehicle
  • bending over repeatedly
  • carrying heavy objects all day

Rounded shoulders are part of overall bad posture, and they can get worse if left untreated.

The good news is that, in most cases, rounded shoulders can be easily fixed or prevented.

Just as the muscles and joints have been trained to hunch forward, they can be retrained to find the correct resting position.

How to improve posture:

  1. Door chest stretches
  2. Shoulder blade squeeze
  3. Wall stretch
  4. Cat and camel poses
  5. Lateral side stretch
  6. Planks
  7. Pulls ups or seated rows

How Physiotherapy Can help to improve your posture:

Here at Total Restore Physiotherapy we can provide a postural assessment, advice about your posture, hands on treatment to release the affected muscles and exercises to help you improve your posture. The advice will be specific to you and therefore will consider your occupation, and other factors/activities. This will allow you to implement our advice into your day.

Get in touch

If you are suffering from bad posture and rounded shoulders and want to know how to improve your posture, then give us a call on 0161 8333008 and make an appointment with one of our Physiotherapists. We are located in the city centre in the Royal Exchange Building just off St Ann’s Square.

COVID-19 Physiotherapy Face to Face Patient Information and Guide
17 Jun

COVID-19 Physiotherapy Face to Face Patient Information and Guide

We are delighted to announce that we have been making plans to open our clinic once again.  We will continue to operate a virtual first service, however for those who require a face-to-face appointment, we have created this guide to equip you with all the information that you may need prior to your attendance during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The safety of our patients and our staff must remain our upmost priority. In addition to the following measures and precautions we have taken detailed below, we will closely follow the guidance we have been given by the government and specialist bodies to help limit any risks. Please take the time to carefully read the information contained in this guide which provides details on our ‘new normal’ at the clinic, changes to our booking and appointment procedures, in addition to what we require from you. We understand there is a wealth of information to take in, however we would appreciate it if you could take the time to read this once to help us to keep you all safe and well. We cannot wait to welcome you back and get you back to your best!


Our 3 Principles for re-opening – Hygiene, Confidence and Communication

  1. Hygiene – All reasonable infection prevention and control measures are in place and compliant with Public Health England guidelines
  2. Confidence – Patients, staff and general public can have confidence of Total Restore Physio’s ongoing strong commitment to ensure all safety measures are in place and followed at all times
  3. Communication – Total Restore Physio will be forthcoming with communication to patients, staff and general public at all times – via website updates, newsletters, direct communication with all patients booking to attend and on-site information from staff.


Since lockdown Total Restore Physio have been busy preparing for the re-opening of our clinic to ensure patients and staff can return to our clinic with confidence. We have been preparing thorough risk assessments for every aspect of our clinic environment and the patient journey to ensure we provide the cleanest and safest environment possible. We have been in contact with industry experts to ensure that our infection prevention and control measures along with PPE (personal protective equipment) not only complies with current guidelines and protocols, but also to minimise any risks of transmission of COVID-19 during treatment sessions. We will continue to follow the guidelines set out by the government and NHS England and respond to any changes to ensure we comply with all the necessary social distancing and personal protective equipment (PPE) protocols. Please see Appendix 1 providing full details of the additional measures at the clinic which have been implemented and the measures which we also need to ask of you when you attend your appointment.

Now lets’ get to the most important part, getting you booked back in! 

Should you require/ prefer a face to face Physiotherapy appointment, please follow the steps below:

  1. Book online at our website via the ‘Book Now’ button, or contact us by telephone on 0161 8333 008/ 07497 146161 or email
  2. For new injuries/ conditions (whether you are a new or existing patient), please select FACE TO FACE Initial Physiotherapy Assessment. For a follow up appointment for an injury/ condition that you have previously already attended and been assessed for, please select FACE TO FACE Follow up Physiotherapy
  3. Following your booking, you will receive a confirmation email and text. The email will also contain a link to this guide again. Please ensure that you read the information provided in Appendix 1 regarding the measures we have taken, and also the small requests we ask of you which is greatly appreciated to protect the safety of everyone when you attend the clinic.
  4. Additionally, you will receive a second email with our new COVID-19 face to face Physiotherapy Consent form, which you must review and complete digitally at your earliest convenience and prior to your appointment.
  5. You will receive a telephone call from your Physiotherapist within 48 hours of your booking. This will be to complete a short clinical triage and screening tool to ensure that the decision for a face to face appointment is assessed and agreed between patient and physiotherapist.
  6. You will receive payment details digitally which must be paid prior to your appointment. Our fee structure and cancellation policy will be provided to you separately.
  7. The directions and address to the clinic are as follows: Suites 539-540 Manchester Royal Exchange Offices, Old Bank Street, St Ann’s Square, Manchester M2 7DD. The entrance to the Royal Exchange Offices is located on Old Bank Street which is a side street off St Ann’s Square. The entrance is adjacent to Annie’s tearoom.
  8. On arrival at the clinic please press 539 and the bell symbol and we will allow you entry into the building. Please do not enter the building without being buzzed in by ourselves.

See you there!



Appendix 1



  1. Face to face appointments will only be offered to patients where effective treatment cannot reasonably be carried out remotely – patients will receive telephone screening consultation
  2. Our clinic has undergone a deep clean and we have arrangements in situ for regular deep cleans. The level and frequency of this has been significantly increased.
  3. All contact points are thoroughly cleaned after every patient e.g. door handles, treatment plinth, chair armrests, clinical equipment, desks. We use industry recommended virucidal disinfectant cleaning products to minimise the risk of contamination.
  4. All staff and patients will be temperature checked on entering the clinic and advised not to enter if their temperature is greater than 37.8
  5. All staff will be wearing all necessary PPE (personal protective equipment) including masks, gloves and aprons.  If there is any chance of ‘splash back’ from bodily fluids e.g. during acupuncture or manual therapy, your clinician will wear a visor or eye protection. Our PPE is disposed into clinical waste bags after each patient and collected by a specialist clinical waste service. Clinical waste is kept separate to general waste bins.
  6. Any additional materials in contact with patients are disposed of after each patient e.g. plinth covers and rolls. Towels and pillows will only be in use if they are thoroughly covered with disposable couch/plinth roll and will not come into contact with the patient’s clothing or skin.
  7. As always, our staff adhere to strict hand washing prior to and after each patient contact. Additionally, hand sanitiser is readily available for both staff and patients to use.
  8. As a small clinic, we have ensured that our staff do not room share and therefore have their own designated treatment room for patients.
  9. Until further notice, our waiting room will not be in use. Patients will be directed immediately into the treatment room on arrival to their appointment. Appointment times are organised to ensure that patients are entering and leaving the clinic at staggered intervals and in isolation.
  10. Staff are advised not to attend the clinic if they are displaying possible signs of COVID-19 or if they should be self-isolating under current government guidelines.
  11. We will be operating a significantly reduced service to minimise the number of patients and staff in the clinic per daily session. Additionally, plentiful time is scheduled after each patient appointment for deep surface cleaning using virucidal disinfectant, change of PPE and ventilation.
  12. We can guarantee you these measures will not affect your standard of care, however, please note that direct contact time may be less than usual to ensure that we are minimising risks where possible.
  13. We have attempted to reduce time spent with contact tasks by automating certain administrative tasks e.g. digital consent forms, remote communications and contactless digital payments.
  14. We have increased our communication, introduced telephone triage and screening prior to face to face appointments and updated our consent forms to reflect COVID-19 and NHS Contact Tracing guidance, to minimise risks and optimise safety for patients.
  15. We have liaised with Manchester Royal Exchange thoroughly due to our clinic being situated in a shared building. A separate risk assessment and social distancing measures have been implemented in the communal areas of the building including hand sanitiser stations, lift usage restrictions, enhanced cleaning regimes emphasising attention to touchpoints, improved visual cueing and signage in the building, strict personal hygiene of all staff.




  1. All patients must wear a face covering when attending Physiotherapy face to face appointments.
  2. Patients are advised not to attend the clinic if they are displaying possible signs of COVID-19 or if they should be self-isolating under current government guidelines. You will be asked to sign a COVID-19 consent form and undergo a telephone screening/triage to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for you to attend the clinic prior to your appointment.
  3. On arrival at the clinic, please press 539 at the intercom and wait to be buzzed in for your appointment. Please do not enter the building by tailgating.
  4. Please ensure to arrive to your appointment on time and no more than 5 minutes early to allow sufficient deep cleaning time between appointments and due to the waiting room not currently being in use. Patients arriving more than 10  minutes late will not be able to be seen, as we are unable to overrun with appointment times and we require sufficient time to maintain our standard of care to you.
  5. Please use the hand sanitiser available in the communal areas, provided by Manchester Royal Exchange.
  6. Please do not allow more than 2 people in the elevators at one time.
  7. On arrival at the clinic, please use the toilet facilities located immediately past the clinic on the right side of the corridor to wash your hands using the hand wash provided.
  8. You will then be guided into the treatment room by your Physiotherapist and asked to use the hand sanitiser. Your temperature will also be checked using a contactless thermometer. Please do not utilise the waiting room.
  9. Please bring your own towel for comfort if you so wish. Bring appropriate clothing to change into. For example, for lower back and leg injuries we suggest that you bring a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.
  10. You will be asked to use the hand sanitiser on completion of your treatment prior to exiting the building.
  11. Please adhere to the 2 m social distancing rule within the communal areas of the building.
  12. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
  13. If you need to cough or sneeze, please cover your nose or mouth with a tissue or into your elbow.
  14. During an unplanned fire evacuation, your Physiotherapist will chaperone you safely out of the building.


Insurance Company Physio Patients – Manchester
24 Feb

Insurance Company Physio Patients – Manchester

Total Restore Physiotherapy is a BUPA approved physio clinic. We also have well established relationships with other private medical insurance companies, like AXA and Aviva, so that prospective patients can be easily referred to us. Equally, if you have private medical insurance set up and want to be treated at Total Restore, then simply email us on or call us on 0161 8333 008 supplying the following:

  • Policy/Membership number
  • Authorisation Code
  • Number of sessions authorised

We are:

  • BUPA approved physio BUPA stands for British international healthcare provisioning and multi-insurance group, with its origins and headquarters in the United Kingdom, but now serving 32 million customers in 190 countries.                                          
  • AXA approved physio – AXA is a French multinational insurance firm headquartered in the 8th arrondissement of Paris that engages in global insurance, investment management, and other financial services.

AXA approved physio in Manchester

  • AVIVA approved physio – Aviva is a British multinational insurance company headquartered in London, United Kingdom.

Aviva approved physio in Manchester

  • VITALITY HEALTH approved physio – VitalityHealth and VitalityLife are owned by their parent company, Discovery Holdings, a global insurance organisation that covers over 5 million people worldwide.

Vitality Health approved physio in Manchester

  • HEALTH SHIELD approved physio –  started in 1877, steaming ahead with over 340,000 customers and their families benefiting from their health and wellbeing services.


  • Work cash plans e.g. medicash.


Terms and Conditions

Please note that you will only be funded by your insurance company for treatment costs over and above your excess level. If your insurance company rejects any invoices due to excess being required, then you will be liable to make payment for these appointments directly to us. 

Any further details or questions please email us on or give us a call on 0161 833 3008.

Head here to see our transparent pricing for physio treatment in Manchester.

Shoulder Pain Exercises
03 Jan

Shoulder Pain Exercises

The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body. There are many causes for shoulder pain and you may have acute or chronic episodes. Pain can be caused by different parts of the shoulder, the bursa, the joint itself, tendons or muscles surrounding it. There are a lot of things you can do to help your shoulder pain such as:

  • Stay active and mobile – although movement can bring on pain, the worst thing you can do is stop moving your shoulder, this could lead to bigger issues such as, frozen shoulder;
  • Improve your posture – Be aware of how you are carrying yourself, bring your shoulders back and sit up straight whilst at your desk;
  • Use painkillers to ease the pain (e.g. paracetamol, ibuprofene);
  • Do not lift heavy weights above 90 degrees if you are in pain;
  • Stay warm during the cold season (arthritis gets worse in the cold);
  • Do exercises for your shoulder pain (increase flexibility/mobility and strengthen the muscles around the joint)

Shoulder pain exercises



  • Make circular movements in all directions
  • 2×10 each direction

Pendulum - shoulder pain exercises

Shoulder Circles 

  • Make circular movements in all directions with your shoulder
  • 2×10 each direction

shoulder pain exercises - shoulder circles


  • Raise your arm as far as you can slowly to achieve full range of motion
  • 2x8reps
  • Use a weight if you are looking to increase strength

shoulder pain exercises - flexion

Shoulder abduction:

  • Raise your arms above your head as far as you can (achieving 180 degrees)
  • Add weight when you feel comfortable
  • 2x10reps

shoulder pain exercises - shoulder abductor

Passive Shoulder abduction:

  • If you are having difficulty achieving full movement actively, use a stick/broom to help achieve full movement passively
  • 2x10reps

shoulder pain exercises - passive shoulder abductor

Scapula setting:

  • Lie down on your stomach and try to bring your shoulder blades together by squeezing them
  • 2x8reps

shoulder pain exercises - scapula setting

Isometric holds (Internal/external rotation):

  • Use a doorway or wall to push the back/palm of your hand in to the frame making an internal/external rotation movement
  • 5x10second holds each direction

shoulder pain exercises - isometric holds

Sleeper stretch

  • Lie on your injured shoulder and perform an internal rotation movement
  • 5x10second holds

shoulder pain exercises - sleeper stretch

Knee Arthritis Exercises
23 Sep

Knee Arthritis Exercises

Knee pain can be caused for a plethora of reasons, but one of the key causes is knee arthritis. 

This is characterised by pain, swelling and stiffness in the knee joint. This can affect anyone at any age but is seen more in women above the age of 50. You may not be able to cure arthritis but you can improve all of the symptoms. In this blog, we provide you with treatment advice and knee arthritis exercises to do at home. 



Treatment of symptoms for knee arthritis:

  • Warm up/Cool down before exercises
  • Stretching/improving joint range of motion
  • Increase muscle strength in all muscles surrounding the joint and lower chain
  • Improve functional abilities
  • Improve balance
  • Stay mobile
  • Low impact activities (swimming, biking, hydrotherapy)


Knee Arthritis Exercises: 

  • Hamstring stretch

    • Use a towel to help pull the straight leg closed;
    • 4×20 seconds for each leg

Knee arthritis exercises - Hamstring stretch


  • Calf stretch  

    • Hold a chair or on to the wall for balance; 
    • Press your heel towards the floor whilst bending your opposite knee;  
    • 4×20 seconds each leg.

Knee arthritis exercises - calf stretch


  • Straight Leg Raise

    • Raise your leg up and  down while contracting your quad; 
    • Repeat  10 times and hold for 3 seconds. 

Knee arthritis exercises - straight leg raise


  • Quadricep setting: 

    • Tighten your thigh and contract your quads; 
    • Repeat 10 times and hold for 5 seconds. 

Knee arthritis exercises - quadricep setting .


  • Pillow Squeeze: 

    • Squeeze your knees together squishing the pillow; 
    • Repeat 10 times and hold for 5 seconds. 

Knee arthritis exercises - pillow squeeze


  • Calf Raises: 

    • Hold the back of a chair and raise your heels off the ground; 
    • 2×10 reps. 

Knee arthritis exercises - calf raises


  • Sit to stand: 

    • Sit down and stand up; 
    • The lower you go  the more difficult  it is; 
    • 1×10 reps. 

Knee arthritis exercises - site to stand


  • One leg balance: 

    • Hold the back of the chair if needed; 
    • 2×20 sec holds.  

Knee arthritis exercises - one leg balance 


For most of us, exercises at home will help manage the pain, but help from a professional is always beneficial, particularly a knee pain physio.  Essentially, someone who knows that joint inside out. 

At Total Restore, we offer tailored treatment programmes to make sure that we deliver the fastest possible results and get you back to your best quickly.  If you’re based in Manchester, call to book to speak with one of our knee pain specialists on 0161 833 3008

Injury Prevention – Tips 
09 Sep

Injury Prevention – Tips 

When most people think of physiotherapy, they think it is for the treatment of injuries that have already occurred. But, that’s not strictly true. 

Physiotherapists also play a big role in preventing injuries from ever happening. 

Injury Prevention is described as an effort to reduce or prevent the severity of injuries that may be caused by external mechanisms or repetitive motions. 

So, whether it’s in sports or in daily life activities, here are a couple injury prevention tips: 

Warm up/cool down

Here’s some more in depth info on prehab exercise to get you started. 

If you are about to take part in sports, head to the gym, or doing anything active, make sure you take an extra 5-15minutes at the beginning and end of your training to do a proper warm up and cool down. 

Incorporate some light jogging/cycling to get the blood pumping and some stretching to get your muscles ready and warmed up or to  prevent them from stiffening up post-session, causing delayed soreness.


Take breaks/time off 

Small breaks or a couple days off after an intense training session is always a good idea to let your muscles adapt to the stress that has been put on them.

Stay hydrated

Drink plenty of water before, during and after. If you are going to take part in an endurance event, it is important to drink plenty of fluid, which should contain sugar and electrolytes. 


If possible, at your job or in your sport make sure to take breaks when it comes to repetitive motion. It is not possible to always avoid doing such, but it is important to be aware that breaks are needed to not cause stress on joints/muscles. 

Do NOT push through pain 

Nothing good ever comes from working/playing through pain.  You’re just causing stress on an injury site that might be small and you may be turning it into a big problem. 

Use the proper technique 

The correct footwear, helmet, mouthguard, elbow pads etc, are essential in preventing injury. Depending on your sport it is important to take measurements and use the proper equipment that best suits you. 

Progress gradually

If it is at work or in sport/gym, it is important to not start to overdo it at the beginning of the activity. Knowing your limits is essential to prevent injury. 

Make sure you always keep in mind the “FIT” rule: Frequency, Intensity and Time. Only progress one of these each week as a general principal. 


Stick to the rules in the workplace or on the field. Rules are made for a reason and if broken it can cause injury to yourself or others. 

Strengthen muscles 

Stay fit and strong, this helps reduce stress on your joints. 

Increase flexibility

Keep you muscles nice and flexible as this can help prevent injury and muscle strains. Pilates is a great option for this. 

Reduce emotional stress 

Try to avoid too much pressure to win or do well at work as this can cloud your judgment and put you at risk of hurting yourself and pushing through pain. 

Seek help from a physiotherapist 

Your physiotherapist can help you with all of the above and create you a tailor made exercise program that reduces the risk of injury. They will provide you with hands on treatment and of course, advice and education what you should do on your own. If you want to speak to one of our specially trained physios, all based in Manchester city centre,  then call Total Restore on 0161 833 3008 for a free phone consultation. 

Arthritis in Hands Treatment
02 Sep

Arthritis in Hands Treatment

Are you experiencing constant pain in your hand and fingers? Particularly in the joints? Then there is a chance you may have developed arthritis in your hands. In this article, we discuss arthritis in hands treatment specifically including hand-on physio sessions as well as at-home exercises. 


There are two types of arthritis that can happen in your hands and it is not always easy to distinguish between the two:

  • Osteoarthritis (OA) – This is caused by wear and tear on the joints;  and  
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) – This is caused by an inflammation of the joints and is an autoimmune condition. 

Both types of arthritis cause pain, swelling, tenderness and joint stiffness, especially in the mornings. 

OA is the most common type of arthritis and it usually comes hand-in-hand with getting older. Over time the cartilage that cushions your joints starts to degenerate causing the two bones that form a joint to rub against each other. This leads to the symptoms of pain and inflammation. For more info, check out the NHS website

Facts on hand arthritis:

  • More common in women than men;
  • There is no cure but symptoms can be relieved;
  • It can be genetic;
  • More common in >60 years of age;
  • OA can be caused by post-trauma in sports or car accidents.

Osteoarthritis symptoms: 

  • Bony lumps at the middle finger joints; 
  • Bony lumps at the finger joint closest to the fingernail;  
  • Pain deep under the base of the thumb; 
  • Stiffness, especially in the morning;  
  • Difficulty pinching and gripping items. 

Rheumatoid Arthritis symptoms: 

  • Pain at the wrist and finger knuckles;  
  • Deformities of the wrist and fingers (not able to straighten); 
  • Tendon ruptures (not able to straighten fingers); 
  • Unexplained fatigue; 
  • Achiness throughout the body (similar to the flu). 

Arthritis In Hands Treatment

In order to ease the pain in your hands there are a couple of things you can do:

  • Keep warm – arthritis tends to get worse during the cold season. Make sure you stay warm and wear gloves during the winter. 
  • Keep moving – Nothing makes stiff joints worse than avoiding movement. It is important to keep your wrist and fingers moving properly and keep tendons and ligaments flexible. 
  • Hand exercises – Exercises prescribed by your physiotherapist, especially an arthritis physio specialist,  can help strengthen the muscles that support the hand joints. It can also help keep the joints flexible and improve range of motion. 
    • Example of some exercises are:
      • Make a fist 
      • Finger bends
      • Thumb bends
      • Make a “C” or an “O” by curving your fingers
      • Lift fingers one-by-one off the table
      • Wrist stretches into flexion and extension with opposing hand
  • Painkillers – This will help ease the pain on those days where it feels unbearable.
  • Hot and cold therapy – ice for swollen joints and heat to help with the stiffness. 
  • Splinting – In cases that the pain is very high, sometimes splints that hold the joints still can help reduce pain.
Golfer’s Elbow Exercises
10 Apr

Golfer’s Elbow Exercises

Alongside a tailored physiotherapy treatment plan for Golfer’ Elbow, it is important to engage in rehab activities at home in order to speed up the recovery process. 

Here, we run through motion and resistance exercises to help you, as well as glides if your ulnar nerve has been affected.

Range of Motion Exercises

Active and passive Wrist extension

Active and passive Wrist extension

Description: Start with your wrist in a neutral position and slowly bring your wrist into extension, for an extra stretch assist with your other hand and pull a bit further

  • 3x8repetitions – 10 second holds


Radial deviation

Radial deviation

Description: Start with your wrist in a neutral position and slowly move inwards towards the thumb, for an extra stretch assist with your other hand and push your hand more in to radial deviation.

  • 3x8repetitions – 10 second holds


Supination & Pronation

Supination & Pronation

Description: Start with forearm in neutral position and alternate from rotating the palm of your up and down bringing your forearm into supination and pronation.

  • 3×10 – 3second holds




Eccentric Wrist Flexion

Eccentric Wrist Flexion

Description: Use your other hand to bring your hand up into flexion and then slowly bring your wrist down trying to resist gravity. Use weight to make it more difficult. Increase weight when possible.

  • 3×15 reps


Resisted supination/pronation

Resisted supination/pronation

Description: Use a heavy object such as a weight and alternate from supination to pronation while trying to resist gravity.

  • 3x15reps


Resisted radial deviation

Resisted radial deviation

Description: With an elastic band placed under your foot, hold on tightly and move your wrist in to radial deviation (inwards).

  • 3x15reps




Description: With a resistance ball, work on your grip strength by squeezing the ball and holding for a couple of seconds.

  • 3×8 – 5sec holds



If your Ulnar nerve has been affected with your golfers elbow add a couple of neural gliding exercises to your exercise program.


Description: arm at shoulder height, hand bent back, fingers straight and bend elbow in this position.

  • 10x 8second holds

Gliding - Golfers elbow

Description: Start by making the “OK” sign with your fingers, bring your elbows up and place the “O” over each one of your eyes with the other fingers resting on your face. As if, giving yourself raccoon eyes.

  • 10x8second holds